If you would like to train your dog between putting the kettle on and making a cup of tea, or want to practice what you already know during the commercial breaks on TV - these methods are ideal for you.


This 17-page booklet is designed to help you teach your dog or puppy the basics for everyday living. 


It's fun, it's fast and it's super-effective!

Get your copy instantly delivered to your inbox today for just £5!

Inside the Hands Off! Booklet:

  • Learning Canine as a foreign language

  • Using a clicker or signal of reward

  • Attention, sit, down, leave, and stay

  • Coming when called

  • Walking nicely on the lead

  • Take the Training Challenge!

Sarah Whitehead is an internationally renowned speaker, best-selling author and global leading authority on canine behaviour and training.  

Watch this lecture as a stand-alone... or... access this plus hundreds of other amazing resources at Sarah Whitehead's Inner Circle for only £35 a month - no contract, no tie in.

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