Learn to Talk Dog - Programme One, Canine Body Language
Course5.0 average rating (6 reviews)The course is made up of:
1. Canine Vocabulary – how is your dog feeling?
2. The Four F’s – canine coping strategies
3. Social Signals – how to tell he loves you!
4. Bonus! Early warning systems£297
Business with Integrity at its Heart
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Business with integrity at its heart. How to MASSIVELY influence your dog training and behaviour business... as well as your life and happiness!! Sarah's top ten strategies: concise, humorous and action-driven
Canine Sex, Hormones & Neutering
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)I’m sure you’ll agree, Sex, Hormones and Neutering is one of the most controversial subjects in the dog world and one that is so little understood by ‘so called’ experts (and even some of the veterinary profession). I thought it was about time that w
Scent Communication in Dogs (Or why it's OK to smell like your dog!)
CourseScent communication in dogs is so much more than just leg lifting! In this landmark lecture, Sarah talks about how she believes dogs use scent exchange and scent marking for both affiliative and resource defence purposes. It will rock your world!
Fear in dogs: to cuddle or not to cuddle?
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Your dog is worried. It upsets you. What should you do to help? For years, it's been a trend to suggest we shouldn't try and reassure our dogs when they are frightened, but is this really based on science? Sarah gives her view....
Puppy Biting & Bite Inhibition, for professionals
CourseWe have been told that puppies need to learn bite inhibition at an early age to be safe dogs later on. But is that really the case? Sarah Whitehead set out to find out.... and chances are, you will be pretty shocked at her findings.