Simple, straight-forward scent work

The ultimate in team-building with your dog

  • Positive, reward-based methods only

  • Fast, fun and instantly enjoyable

  • Get started indoors or out

  • Exercise your dog's mind using his natural abilities

  • Perfect for ANY dog, no matter breed or age

Questions, questions!

  • What exactly will the course teach me?

    This programme is designed to give you a brilliant introduction to doing scent searches with your dog, to find a toy, an object and then, eventually, your lost car keys (or anything else you want him or her to find). Truffle hunting anyone??!

  • What are the benefits of teaching scent work?

    Teaching your dog to search for a specific toy or object has multiple behavioural benefits. Your dog will have better focus, listen to you more, and will gain a huge amount of mental stimulation in doing scent work with you as part of a team. Scent work is like a work-out for your dog's brain!

  • I have a young puppy. Is this course suitable for him or her?

    Yes, absolutely! Dogs of any age love scent work, and this course will build skills that last for life

  • I have two (or more) dogs. Can I still use your techniques?

    Yes. BUT. In all honesty you need to train each dog separately - to strengthen your bond with each one individually and to give them a chance to learn without distraction or compeition

  • Is any specific equipment recommended?

    We will talk you through what you need, but in essence, it's a toy that your dog will enjoy playing with, some treats, a jar (to store your kit in) and a 'scent sachet' - we usually recommend cat nip, but it could be dried herbs from your store cupboard

  • Do I need a lot of space to teach this?

    Very little space is required. In fact, at home I start all my scent training in my front room!

  • Is this technique suitable for people with physical limitations?

    Physical strength or flexibility is not required in teaching these techniques. As long as you can hide a toy and have fun with your dog, you'll be just fine!

  • How long do I have access to the course for?

    You will have unlimited access for the lifetime of the course.

Sign up for just £55 today

Your instructor: Jemma Milne

From Milne and Mutt

Scent-work specialist Jemma Milne

Jemma is a full member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APTD) (no 01494) and has completed the UK Sniffer Dogs Bronze and Silver Instructor, as well as being a Clever Dog Company Licensed Trainer. She is a reward based trainer, using kind, fair and evidence based methods only. Her mission is to help you learn how to effectively communicate with your dog in a fun and positive way, and scent work is a large part of that.