When NOT to call your dog! (Critical recall information that no one else will tell you!)

With Sarah Whitehead, Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist

Are you inadvertently destroying your dog's recall?  Understanding when NOT to call your dog is just as important as teaching him or her to come to you when you call. This mini course will explain why in five quick and fun video lessons with Sarah Whitehead, Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist and passionate dog trainer. 

Course curriculum

    1. A quick hello!

    2. About Sarah

    3. Number 1! (Please notice I didn't make this number 2!!)

    4. Number 2!

    5. Number 3!

    6. Number 4!

    7. Number 5!

    8. You've got this!

About this course

  • Free
  • 8 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content